Welcome to Instant Tech Guide! Today, our learning outcome is how to submit your website to google search console. Newbie Bloggers don't know about this awesome tool. It is considered one of the best Seo tools. You will be able to submit your website to google after reading this article. If you want to get rank, you must have familiarity with the search engines. If you are just writing posts then you will not be able to index your posts.
If you are unable to make your posts popular then it is the best tool to do so. You can easily index your articles within no time. With the help of this tool, you can request Google to crawl your blog. Once, you have submitted the site to Search Console then it will automatically index your post next time. Today, I'm going to share how to submit site to search console. 


You should use this console to generate traffic to your blog. If you are unaware how to generate traffic then you should try this one. Previously, it was known as Google Webmaster Tool. I received a lot of requests to write an article on the latest version. I'll provide you complete guide about this latest version. I'll help you in verifying the ownership of the website. You'll be able to create a sitemap for your site. Let's have a view on latest version of search console.
Now, follow these simple snapshots to submit your site to Google.

  • First of all, Navigate to your Blogger Dashboard.
  • Now, move on to setting section of your site.
  • You need to click on search preferences in order to add website to it.
  • Click on edit to add the property to Search Console.
  • You need to add a property now.
  • Submit your website link in order to add it.
  • You have successfully submitted the site to Google.



1) Performance:

This feature gives you the overall detail of your website. You can get full information of your website under this tab. This feature tells you about the traffic coming from different regions of the world. You can also check that through which keywords traffic is coming from Google. You can track your keywords under this section of Google Tool. You can track your targeted areas as well through this section. You will be able to track your traffic through different pages. You can check whether the traffic is coming from Mobile or Computer. You can track impressions as well as click on ads. 

2: URL Inspection:

URL Inspection is the another best feature of search console. You can get information whether URL can be or not indexed in Google. Through this section, you can request Google to index your posts as well as pages. All you need is to submit your website link and get information about it. If there are any errors regarding URL, you can fix them by following the errors present in the URLs. You don't need to submit URLs again and again for indexing. The indexing process depends mainly on your content uniqueness. If the URL is not on Search Engine, you can test the URL live. This feature tells whether the URL can be indexed or not. 

3: Mobile Usability:

It also helps you to understand the responsiveness of the site. I'll always recommend you to use responsive theme and ads on your website. Responsiveness means how your site looks in PC and mobile. Each part of your post should be visible to your visitor so that he or she may understand easily. Google Adsense does not approve your website until you use responsive theme for your site.

4: Sitemap:

It is one of the silent feature of Search Console. You need to submit your sitemap here for automatic indexing of the website. Sitemap contains the whole information about your website. Once, you have uploaded the sitemap to this tool, you don't need to submit your URL again and again for indexing. I'll recommend you to submit the sitemap for your website. If you want to submit the sitemap, you need to follow the above screenshot.